Sustainability / Our commitment to sustainability

Our commitment to sustainability

As a manufacturer of low energy lighting products, we have always taken our environmental responsibilities seriously and we are constantly looking for ways to achieve net reductions in carbon emissions, aiming for net zero by 2030.
Our ultimate goal is to go beyond this so that our business is impacting in a positive way on the environment.

“At Gamma, our core values of honesty, integrity and respect, first laid out in 1995 when we founded the business, underpin our approach to sustainability.

Climate change, urbanisation, scarcity of raw materials and increased waste are the dangers threatening the world in which we live. We all, therefore, have a responsibility and duty to do what we can in our everyday lives to protect our precious planet.

Sustainability at Gamma has three principal meanings:

  • We need to operate our business and factories in a responsible, sustainable, planet-friendly way.
  • We must continue to develop and manufacture sustainable, low energy lighting solutions to help our customers on their own carbon neutral journeys.
  • If we generate unavoidable emissions, we must offset them by investing in environmental projects around the world.

We are committed to building a better business for a better world. Each year we invest in fresh ideas, systems, activities focused around our social, safety and environmental performance objectives.

In 2024, we are committed to and on target to be a sustainable, net-zero carbon business by 2030, 20 years ahead of the target set by the Paris Agreement.”

Craig Marney
Managing Director