News / Pockets of Light at Leeds Minster

SLL members collaborate with local children and students to create unique lighting installation at landmark building 

This Thursday and Friday, 12th & 13th October see the return of Light Night Leeds, the UK’s largest light and arts festival, when some of Leeds’ most recognisable indoor and outdoor spaces will be transformed by spectacular artworks, large-scale light projections and interactive installations, along with music, dance and street performances by local, national and international artists.

In association with Light Night Leeds 23, members of the Society of Light and Lighting (SLL), including Gamma’s own Senior Lighting Designer and SLL Yorkshire regional representative, David Battersby MSLL, are lighting Leeds Minster in the style of Pockets of Light. This involves SLL members visiting schools, delivering lighting workshops and encouraging pupils and students to design the lighting for a particular building or area. The SLL member volunteers then realise their ideas and install the lighting on their behalf.

Lighting workshops were delivered to pupils at Alder Tree Primary (Leeds) and students at Leeds West Academy. The pupils and students then sketched lighting designs for Leeds Minster in the themes of cultural diversity, religion, music and the environment. The winning designs will be used to light Leeds Minster and become one of the lighting installations on display at Light Night Leeds.

This installation has been made possible through the support of the Liz Peck Legacy fund. Liz Peck FSLL was a popular and highly respected Leeds based lighting designer and former president of the Society of Light and Lighting.

If you are in Leeds for Light Night, why not call by the Minster and see how the children’s sketches have been brought this landmark building to life in a spectacular, colourful display of light.

Watch this space for photos of the installation.